- Dettagli
- Categoria: Area Scientifica
- Scritto da Marco Leoncino
- Visite: 1630
PubbliTesi - La Tesi
J/psi production in high multiplicity events in proton-proton collisions at the ALICE experiment
Scheda Sintetica
Autore: Marco Leoncino
Relatore: Ermanno Vercellin
Università: Università degli Studi di Torino
Facoltà: Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali
Corso: Laurea Spec. in Fisica dei Sistemi Complessi (Corso Interateneo)
Data di Discussione: 22/03/2011
Voto: 110 cum laude
Disciplina: INT0392 - Prova Finale
Tipo di Tesi: Sperimentale
Altri Relatori: Enrico Scomparin, Roberta Arnaldi
Lingua: Inglese
Grande Area: Area Scientifica
Dignità di Stampa: Si
Settori Interessati: ricerca innovazione tecnologia
Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) calculations predict that strongly interacting nuclear matter, at temperatures of about 150-170 MeV and at sufficiently high density, undergoes a transition to a state where quarks and gluons are no longer confined inside the hadrons, but behave like free particles. This state of matter is called Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) and it is one of the most interesting phenomena of the High Energy Physics. In particular, one of the most important signature of the QGP formation is the suppression of the J/psi resonance, proposed by Matsui and Satz in 1986. The ALICE experiment, at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, has been conceived to study the features of this state of matter. Even though it was designed to study heavy ion collisions, the ALICE experiment, during the first year of data taking in 2010, provided a lot of data also in proton-proton collisions. In this work I study the J/psi production using data taken with the muon spectrometer and the central b ...
Grado di Innovazione:
Studio esplorativo circa la produzione della J/psi.