- Dettagli
- Categoria: Area Sanitaria
- Scritto da Valeria Ceolin
- Visite: 1135
PubbliTesi - La Tesi
Labile Plasma Iron (LPI) test: a new method for assessing the efficacy of the iron chelation therapy
Scheda Sintetica
Autore: Valeria Ceolin
Relatore: Antonio Piga
Università: Università degli Studi di Torino
Facoltà: Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
Corso: Laurea Spec. a Ciclo Unico in Medicina e Chirurgia - Sede di Orbassano
Data di Discussione: 23/03/2016
Voto: 110 cum laude
Disciplina: Pediatria - Ematologia
Tipo di Tesi: Sperimentale
Lingua: Inglese
Grande Area: Area Sanitaria
Dignità di Stampa: Si
Aim of this study was to assess NTBI total content in patients with β-thalassemia using a new high-throughput technology, named FeROS™ LPI and eLPI kit. We wanted to test the feasibility of a single method that may simultaneously provide information on the two major fractions of NTBI, with and without overt redox activity, namely respectively LPI and eLPI. The objective of this work was also to verify if this marker may have an additive value compared to traditional indicators of iron overload, with potential pathophysiological and clinical implications.