- Dettagli
- Categoria: Area Sociale
- Scritto da Matteo Filippi
- Visite: 528
PubbliTesi - La Tesi
Cultural Economics meets Microfinance: Evidence from Rural Mongolia
Scheda Sintetica
Autore: Matteo Filippi
Relatore: Giovanni Mastrobuoni
Università: Università degli Studi di Torino
Facoltà: Dipartimento Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche
Corso: Corso di Laurea magistrale in Economics
Data di Discussione: 24/03/2021
Voto: 110 cum laude
Disciplina: Development Economics
Tipo di Tesi: di Ricerca
Altri Relatori: Juan Morales
Lingua: Inglese
Grande Area: Area Sociale
Dignità di Stampa: Si
Although a rich empirical literature on microfinance has been produced over the last decade (mostly relying on RCTs), the results are to a large extent inconclusive and variable across settings. Additionally, the two lending arrangements most often deployed by the microfinance industry, namely individual and group lending, have nearly always been studied in isolation, with no emphasis on comparative studies. To address both points, I explore here the possibility that the outcomes of microfinance may vary not only across liability structures, but also across targeted local communities. To this end, I combine exogenous variation in the lending arrangements (induced by a RCT carried out in rural Mongolia) with exogenous variation in social ties across Mongolian ethnic groups (induced by an historical war event). I provide suggestive evidence that individual lending and group lending outcomes (in terms of investment, savings, consumption, labour supply, and business activity) may indeed co ...
Grado di Innovazione:
In recent times, a new strand of the economic literature has started recognizing the importance of social and cultural factors in the determination of economic outcomes. Despite this, the integration of Cultural Economics into microfinance-related studies has lagged behind. On the empirical side, there is no available evidence on the role played by cultural and social factors on the microfinance success (to the best of my knowledge). However, on the theoretical side, an important exception is de ...