- Dettagli
- Categoria: Area Umanistica
- Scritto da Manuel Mello
- Visite: 1059
PubbliTesi - La Tesi
Interhemispheric cooperation in processing emotional bodies
Scheda Sintetica
Autore: Manuel Mello
Relatore: Marco Tamietto
Università: Università degli Studi di Torino
Facoltà: Dipartimento di Psicologia
Corso: Laurea magistrale in Scienze del corpo e della mente
Data di Discussione: 15/03/2018
Voto: 110 cum laude
Disciplina: Cognitive and affective neuroscience
Tipo di Tesi: Sperimentale
Lingua: Inglese
Grande Area: Area Umanistica
Dignità di Stampa: Si
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate hemodynamic responses associated with interhemispheric cooperation in the context of an emotional stimulation. Fearful and happy bodies were used as stimuli of the well-known redundant target paradigm (RTP), a theoretically founded methodology to test interhemispheric interaction in visual perception, even in emotion domain.Nine healthy subjects and two hemispherectomized patients were part of the study. Overall results are consistent with the view on interhemispheric cooperation being a fundamental mechanism in processing emotional stimuli; furthermore, results obtained in hemispherectomized patients support the view of the involvement of superior colliculus in such an interhemispheric cooperation, particularly as far as non-conscious emotion perception is concerned.