Wiley-VCH - Materials Science

A Passion for Publishing
New Books: Materials Science
  1. Energy Storage Materials Characterization
      This book provides a comprehensive summary of experimental analytical techniques applicable to wide ranges of electrochemical energy storage materials and gives the latest review of state-of-the-art methodologies. [816 Pages, Hardcover]


  2. Principles of Electrochemical Conversion and Storage Devices
      This book covers fundamental principles of electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies including fuel cells, batteries, and capacitors. [288 Pages, Softcover]


  3. Solution Manual to Accompany Volume II of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë
      The book provides detailed solutions to all 47 problems in Volume II of Cohen-Tannoudji's seminal "Quantum Mechanics" textbook. [352 Pages, Softcover]


  4. Electronics with Discrete Components
      Comprehensive textbook on electronics for physicists, now with more examples, exercises, hands-on electronics labs, troubleshooting tips, and practical exercises Electronics with Discrete Components delivers a comprehensive overview of electronics from the perspective of a physicist. In the first part on digital components, after an introduction to digital electronics, the text covers fundamentals of combinational logic and its implementation in combinational logic devices, followed by sequential-logic devices such as flip-flops and memory components. The second part on analog components deals with the fundamentals of signal processing, filters, components such as diodes and transistors, and a lengthy coverage of operational amplifiers. Each chapter ends with problem sets and "lab projects" that have been proven to work well for instruction. Questions on simple aspects of the lab that students should know are also included, such as regarding powering components and diagnosing signals with the oscilloscope and providing "troubleshooting tips" to help students find out why a particular circuit does not work. The new edition of this textbook adds more worked examples, exercises with answers for the self-learner, and end-of-chapter problems. It adds new electronic components, covers the latest digital technologies plus adds a new section of Fourier transforms in electronics. In addition, it features labs with Arduino or Teensy boards which have become widespread in the community as inexpensive, easy-to-use electronics platforms. Electronics with Discrete Components includes information on: * Number systems, codes, signed numbers, binary functions, logic families, and IC wirings * Filters and the frequency domain, covering RC, high- and low-pass, and cascading filters, FFTs, as well as important considerations for filter design * Connecting digital to analog and to the world through TTL, CMOS, and LV gates and interfacing between the logic families * Charge and potential, capacitors, electrical current, resistors, magnetic components, power, circuits, and abstractions and symbol jargon in the field The Second Edition of Electronics with Discrete Components is an ideal textbook resource for a one-semester course on electronics for second-year physics students, as well as students from other disciplines or levels who understand elementary notions of circuits and complex numbers. [432 Pages, Hardcover]


  5. Supraleitung
      Das Standard-Lehrbuch zur Supraleitung wurde für die Neuauflage vollständig überarbeitet, um aktuelle Entwicklungen auf Grundlagen- und Anwendungsseite abzudecken und, durch neue didaktische Elemente, den geänderten Anforderungen an Lehre und Lernen gerecht zu werden. [496 Pages, Softcover]


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