Wiley-VCH - Civil Engineering & Construction
A Passion for Publishing

Smart Mobility
Comprehensive learning resource providing a framework for successful application of advanced transportation technologies in urban areas Smart Mobility: Using Technology to Improve Transportation in Smart Cities addresses the nature and characteristics of smart cities and provides a focus on smart mobility within urban areas and the opportunities and challenges associated with the application of advanced transportation technologies. The three highly qualified authors include an emphasis on decarbonization possibilities and the potential for smart mobility to reduce emissions and fuel consumption while optimizing modal use, along with risk identification and management using a structured approach. A focus is also placed on the need for end-to-end travel support from original origin to ultimate destination, reflecting consumer needs for comprehensive decision support and travel support services. Overall, Smart Mobility: Using Technology to Improve Transportation in Smart Cities provides a framework, planning, and KPIs for smart mobility success and explains how effective performance management can be enabled. Additional topics covered in the modern and thought-provoking work include: * Policies and strategies associated with smart mobility, including a description of the organizational arrangements required to support smart mobility technologies * The definition of appropriate institutional, funding, and commercial arrangements to assist interested practitioners to solve what is often their biggest challenge * Smart mobility operational management, explaining the likely impact of smart mobility on transportation operations * How to attain balance between transportation objectives and the avoidance of undesirable side effects such as congestion For public and private sector professionals in the smart mobility community, Smart Mobility: Using Technology to Improve Transportation in Smart Cities is an essential and easy-to-understand learning resource that will help readers comprehend the state-of-the-art progress in the field and be prepared for future advancements in this important and rapidly-developing industry. [544 Pages, Hardcover]
Materials and Methods for Industrial Wastewater and Groundwater Treatment
An expert synthesis of the latest materials and methods with applications for groundwater and wastewater treatment Materials and Methods for Industrial Wastewater and Groundwater Treatment delivers an up-to-date discussion of the materials and methods being used to address the problem of pollutants in industrial wastewaters and groundwater. The book describes innovative new materials with significant potential to emerge as a next-generation solution in the water treatment space. Cutting-edge research is synthesized into these novel materials and methods and case studies demonstrate real-world applications of new solutions for water treatment. Readers will also find: * A thorough introduction to new materials and techniques for treating wastewater and groundwater to remove pollutants * Comprehensive explorations of the latest research on commercially viable methods for treating wastewater and groundwater * Case studies highlighting the practical application of novel methods and materials as next-generation solutions for water treatment Perfect for industrial chemists, environmental and material researchers and supervisors, and consulting and design engineers in wastewater treatment plants, Materials and Methods for Industrial Wastewater and Groundwater Treatment will also benefit design professionals, materials scientists, and environmental engineers with an interest in nanomaterial applications to wastewater treatments. [432 Pages, Hardcover]
Stahlbau: Teil 1: Grundlagen
Das Buch vermittelt das Grundwissen für die Bemessung und Konstruktion im Stahlbau und enthält Sonderkapitel zur Stabilität, zu neuen Nachweismethoden und zur Tragsicherheit von Kranbahnträgern. Das Buch wurde für die 6. Aufl. wesentlich erweitert. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen. [XX, 700 Pages, Softcover]
Coastal Boundary Management
Authoritative reference on the many laws, regulations, and guidelines related to public and private water boundaries Coastal Boundary Management is a comprehensive resource for making critical decisions regarding the issue of coastal boundaries, planning, and regulation amidst climate change and rising sea levels, providing guidance in understanding of how sea level is changing, how society has defined the boundaries between public waters and bordering uplands as well as national offshore boundaries, and how such boundaries are defined and located. This book defines boundaries in public trust tidal waters, non-tidal waters, and boundaries for riparian and littoral rights and describes practices for determining boundaries where shorelines have been altered due to sea level change in the short and long term. Included case law examples and exhibits cover complex legal issues such as navigability, riparian rights, and interstate compact agreements. The text also contributes to the issues of justice, safeguarding the environment, and related topics by providing clarity on the protection of public domain waters as well as private property rights. Written by a leading surveying expert with decades of experience in the field of riparian and littoral boundaries, Coastal Boundary Management includes information on: * High and low water marks, tidal boundaries, and the legal status of artificial water bodies such as reservoirs and canals * Waters in the public trust, covering their general criteria, navigability-in-fact versus navigability-in-law, and non-navigable coves and tributaries * Boundary definitions of public trust tidal waters in various jurisdictions, covering Anglo-American Common Law, North-Atlantic Low Water States, and Civil Law * U.S. national and state maritime boundaries, covering boundaries including bays, entrance points (headlands), and obstructed entrances Coastal Boundary Management is an essential reference for attorneys, surveyors, engineers, coastal planners, oceanographers, land developers, and others dealing with coastal or riparian lands or sea levels in their respective careers, as well as students in related programs of study. [128 Pages, Hardcover]
Introduction to Strain-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures
Introduction to Strain-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures Branko Glisic, Princeton University, USA A comprehensive introduction to strain-based structural health monitoring of civil structures, with focus on measurement and data analysis Introduction to Strain-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures focuses on the SHM of Civil Structures and Infrastructure, and develops the relevant topics of measurement and data analysis from a fundamental to advanced level. The book contains an overview of the available and emerging monitoring technologies, for example, traditional strain-gauges, fiber optic sensors, and large area electronics. The fundamental criteria for applications of SHM technologies on concrete, steel and composite materials are also discussed, and both basic and advanced data interpretation and analysis for static and dynamic monitoring are presented in detail. Methods applicable to a large spectrum of civil structures such as bridges, buildings, and geo-structures are summarized. These methods are illustrated with practical examples. Key features: * Introduces strain-based structural health monitoring of civil structures, with focus on measurement and data analysis. * Contains the basic strain-based SHM methods for monitoring various types of structures. * Covers the physical principles, advantages and limitations of various types of sensors. * Covers the sources of static and dynamic strain, and how to interpret the strain measurement. * Includes basic and advanced methods for static and dynamic data analysis. * Explores the potential and benefits as well as the limitations of SHM. * Suitable as a guide for practicing engineers, reference for infrastructure owners, and textbook for researchers and SHM university courses. Introduction to Strain-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures is essential, state-of-the-art reading for civil and structural engineers and professionals in SHM, as well as teachers, researchers and students in civil engineering. [368 Pages, Hardcover]