New Scientist - Technology

New Scientist - Technology
New Scientist - Technology
  1. Tiny nuclear-powered battery could work for decades in space or at sea
    A new design for a nuclear battery that generates electricity from the radioactive decay of americium is unprecedentedly efficient
  2. ‘Shazam for whales’ uses AI to track sounds heard in Mariana Trench
    An artificial intelligence model that can identify the calls of eight whale species is helping researchers track the elusive whale behind a perplexing sound in the Pacific
  3. Quantum computers teleport and store energy harvested from empty space
    A quantum computing protocol makes it possible to extract energy from seemingly empty space, teleport it to a new location, then store it for later use
  4. Cold war spy satellites and AI detect ancient underground aqueducts
    Archaeologists are using AI and US spy satellite imagery from the cold war to find ancient underground aqueducts that helped humans survive in the desert
  5. The AI expert who says artificial general intelligence is nonsense
    Artificial intelligence has more in common with ants than humans, says Neil Lawrence. Only by taking a more nuanced view of intelligence can we see how machines will truly transform society

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