PLOS ONE Alerts: New Articles

  1. Retraction: JNK Contributes to the Tumorigenic Potential of Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cells through the mTOR Pathway Regulated GRP78 Induction

    by The PLOS ONE Editors

  2. A possible later stone age painting of a dicynodont (Synapsida) from the South African Karoo

    by Julien Benoit

    The Horned Serpent panel at La Belle France (Free State Province, South Africa) was painted by the San at least two hundred years ago. It pictures, among many other elements, a tusked animal with a head that resembles that of a dicynodont, the fossils of which are abundant and conspicuous in the Karoo Basin. This picture also seemingly relates to a local San myth about large animals that once roamed southern Africa and are now extinct. This suggests the existence of a San geomyth about dicynodonts. Here, the La Belle France site has been visited, the existence of the painted tusked animal is confirmed, and the presence of tetrapod fossils in its immediate vicinity is supported. Altogether, they suggest a case of indigenous palaeontology. The painting is dated between 1821 and 1835, or older, making it at least ten years older than the formal scientific description of the first dicynodont, Dicynodon lacerticeps, in 1845. The painting of a dicynodont by the San would also suggest that they integrated (at least some) fossils into their belief system.
  3. Retraction: Responses of Rapid Viscoanalyzer Profile and Other Rice Grain Qualities to Exogenously Applied Plant Growth Regulators under High Day and High Night Temperatures

    by The PLOS ONE Editors

  4. Digital transformation and corporate tax avoidance: An analysis based on multiple perspectives and mechanisms

    by Qi Zhang, Jinghuai She

    Promoting the seamless integration of the digital economy with the real economy, mitigating the adverse impacts of widespread corporate tax avoidance, and optimizing tax governance are critical imperatives in the era of digital economy. This study examines all A-share listed companies from 2007 to 2022 as research samples. It utilizes multiple perspectives including signal theory, information asymmetry theory, and the T-O-E (Technology-Organisation-Environment) framework to investigate the primary impacts of digital transformation on corporate tax avoidance, along with the intermediate mechanisms and foundational conditions that influence its effectiveness. After conducting both theoretical and empirical analyses, this paper presents the following conclusions. (1) The implementation of digital transformation significantly reduces corporate tax avoidance, a conclusion supported by rigorous robustness tests. Moreover, digital transformation enhances corporate productivity through the suppression of tax avoidance. (2) Digital transformation diminishes corporate tax avoidance through enhanced innovation and efficiency in resource allocation (technology level), improved quality of internal controls (organization level), and decreased industry competition (environment level). (3) The impact of digital transformation in reducing tax avoidance is significantly greater for enterprises in their growth phase, experiencing lower financing constraints, particularly those situated in the central and western regions. (4) Lower business risk is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of digital transformation and reducing corporate tax avoidance. This is crucial for governments seeking to improve tax administration, guide market and regional development, and enhance the impact of corporate digital transformation on mitigating tax avoidance.
  5. Comparative analysis of tardigrade locomotion across life stage, species, and disulfiram treatment

    by Emma M. Anderson, Sierra G. Houck, Claire L. Conklin, Katrina L. Tucci, Joseph D. Rodas, Kate E. Mori, Loriann J. Armstrong, Virginia B. Illingworth, Te-Wen Lo, Ian G. Woods

    Animal locomotion requires coordination between the central and peripheral nervous systems, between sensory inputs and motor outputs, and between nerves and muscles. Analysis of locomotion thus provides a comprehensive and sensitive readout of nervous system function and dysfunction. Tardigrades, the smallest known walking animals, coordinate movement of their eight legs with a relatively simple nervous system, and are a promising model for neuronal control of limb-driven locomotion. Here, we developed open-source tools for automated tracking of tardigrade locomotion in an unconstrained two-dimensional environment, for measuring multiple parameters of individual leg movements, and for quantifying interleg coordination. We used these tools to analyze >13,000 complete strides in >100 tardigrades, and identified preferred walking speeds and distinct step coordination patterns associated with those speeds. In addition, the rear legs of tardigrades, although they have distinct anatomy and step kinematics, were nonetheless incorporated into overall patterns of interleg coordination. Finally, comparisons of tardigrade locomotion across lifespan, between species, and upon disulfiram treatment suggested that neuronal regulation of high-level aspects of walking (e.g. speed, turns, walking bout initiation) operate independently from circuits controlling individual leg movements and interleg coordination.

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