Wiley-VCH - Physics
A Passion for Publishing

Tectonics and Seismic Structure of Alaska and Northwestern Canada
New insights into geologic and tectonic processes in Alaska and northwestern Canada The northwest of the North American continent is geologically dynamic and tectonically active. A network of seismic and geodetic instruments deployed across the region as part of the EarthScope project provided data crucial to understanding its geological, tectonic, and seismic processes. Tectonics and Seismic Structure of Alaska and Northwestern Canada: EarthScope and Beyond presents review papers and new scientific studies using EarthScope data to advance understanding of the region's structure, seismic activity, and geodynamic processes. About this volume: * Describes the infrastructure and capabilities of the EarthScope seismic and geodetic networks * Draws from a comprehensive set of geophysical data * Includes field studies, laboratory analyses, and numerical modeling * Spans processes from the Earth's interior and the lower mantle to the crust and surface * Covers examples from subduction zones, fault systems, and some of the largest recorded earthquakes * Provides scientific explanations for the natural landscapes and ongoing movements shaping the northwest of the North American continent The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. [656 Pages, Hardcover]
Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Borehole Geophysics
Presents the latest advances in borehole distributed acoustic sensing and diverse applications for subsurface geophysics Borehole geophysics involves measuring, imaging, and monitoring subsurface structures and activities by putting instruments into wellbores. Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology is emerging as an effective and reliable tool in borehole geophysics because fiber-optic cables deployed at depth can produce high-quality data and images, even in harsh high-temperature and high-pressure environments. Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Borehole Geophysics is a comprehensive handbook on cutting-edge advances in borehole DAS technologies and their practical applications across geophysics. Volume highlights include: * Summary of the evolution of DAS technologies and their primary applications * New developments in borehole DAS instrumentation and modeling * Examples of DAS data acquisition and processing in different contexts * Variety of imaging methods and techniques for integration of images with other data * Applications of borehole DAS systems, including monitoring earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing operations * Case studies of borehole DAS projects at diverse sites around the world, ranging from glaciers to geothermal fields The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. [624 Pages, Hardcover]
Solution Manual to Accompany Volume II of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë
The book provides detailed solutions to all 47 problems in Volume II of Cohen-Tannoudji's seminal "Quantum Mechanics" textbook. [352 Pages, Softcover]
Lehrbuch der Biophysik
Die zweite Auflage des erfolgreichen Lehrbuchs zur Biophysik von Erich Sackmann und Rudolf Merkel wurde vollständig überarbeitet und mit neuen, forschungsnahen Themen ergänzt. [XXX, 1016 Pages, Hardcover]
Atom-Photon Interactions
Now available in paperback, this text allows readers to master various aspects of the physics of interaction between light and matter. It is devoted to the study of the interactions between photons and atoms in atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, and laser physics. [XXII, 656 Pages, Softcover]