The University of Chicago Press: The American Naturalist: Table of Contents

Table of Contents for The American Naturalist. List of articles from both the latest and ahead of print issues.
The American Naturalist
  1. Front and Back Matter
    The American Naturalist, Volume 205, Issue 1, January 2025. <br/>
  2. 2024 American Society of Naturalists Awards
    The American Naturalist, Volume 205, Issue 1, Page ii-iii, January 2025. <br/>
  3. The Evolution of Using Shed Snake Skin in Bird Nests
    The American Naturalist, Ahead of Print. <br/>
  4. Fight Not Flight: Parasites Drive the Bacterial Evolution of Resistance, Not Escape
    The American Naturalist, Ahead of Print. <br/>
  5. Environmental Fluctuations Promote Host Reward Strategies That Maintain Partner Diversity in Multispecies Mutualisms
    The American Naturalist, Ahead of Print. <br/>

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